Should you date a guy with childern?

When it comes to dating a really cute handsome funny guy who doesn't just like you for butt or really attractive body parts. they come so many questions such as should you date a guy that already has a child? They are some guys out there that have children's whether it's from a previous marriage or relationship. They have a child that they care for and love and even the fact they are great fathers. if you come across a guy that has children and you want to date him? should you date you still date
them pursue a romantic and intimate relationship? I think it all depends on the circumstances of the guy. For instance if he is still in love with the child's mother and has gotten over her then no you should not date him. It is a basic rule in life in your dignity as well that you should never date someone who is entangled with an ex. The relationship just won't workand you will be lying to your self in the end. What if he is single what if he's just a sweet normal guy with an ex-girlfriend he doesn't love anymore? Yes you should give it shot you don't have to be the greatest mom to his child or stepmom. But if he does love you and doesn't have any contact with his ex romantically then yes go for it. that could be the beginning of a new healthy relationship and maybe long term as well. you should date a guy with children only if he is not romantically or still crazy in love with his ex. The mother of the child or children. They are many sweet handsome guys out there who will love you no matter what even the ones with children. I love to hear your comments


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