Can a guy and a girl really be friends?

Two people meet each other and they are the opposite gender a man and a woman. Whether it's at a coffee shop or at a school or just being in public. They like each other and eventually become friends to exchanging glances to eventually numbers. The kindness and happy passionate feeling of a new friendship between the two individuals. This new friendship can a guy and a girl be just friends or something more? I think it's very hard for a guy and a girl to be just ''friends'. Its human nature the bond between 2 individuals of the opposite gender. They are cases where a guy and a girl can be just friends. If they don't have much in common or understand each other in all levels of love. People who usually fall in love understand each other on all levels. They don't just talk like regular friends or even try to understand each other. They don't need to act like they can't say something or they will offend the other person. They feel like aside from the feeling of cloud nine that's the one person who truly understands them and they can be with them on a deep level. Some people who just met eventually go from friends to boyfriend and girlfriend once they spent a good amount of time with each other. From days to months too late-night conversations those people usually fall in love slowly and all at once. Then they are friendships with benefits that include more than friendship and also have hot sex as well with no emotional attachments though that rarely works. In the majority of those cases, one or both usually gets heartbroken or falling in love. Having sex can bring all sorts of crazy emotions and attachments as well. In the end, it usually depends on the case 90 percent in the time, in my opinion, a guy and a girl cant be friends without either some crazy emotions in the way or even falling in love. When people do fall in love it usually deep feelings of understanding one another completely and threw that builds trust and commitment. I wanna know do you think a guy and a girl can be just friends'' I love to hear your comments.

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