How to get therapy during this quarantine

This is a tough time for all of us with social distancing and being home all the time. It can be very tough and left with unpleasant emotions as we missed the lives we once enjoyed. Even for me they the first few nights I had to leave manhattan behind and return to Brooklyn was very tough. I had a life in manhattan and now I have to leave it behind for the forseasoable future and until this over. Many therapy offices are closed during this outbreak but that doesn't mean you can get the help you need. If this was 1957 then it would have been very rough since we didn't have the technology e have today. It is 2020 and we have so much technology and we could things such as using a phone to order food on the go with mobile order. We also have apps and one of those apps better help: online therapy is an affordable app that connects you with a therapist. It works as well if you have health insurance. Another one is a website called the national suicide hotline which is one of my favorites because you can get connected whether its by phone, text, or on your computer. It's also one of the ones that work you talk to someone and they help you as much they can even supply you with resources benefit to your health. If you need someone to help you here are some great links for therapy.
phone number (1-800-273-8255)

App Betterhelp online therapy is available on google play and iTunes app store

If you want to get involved with me during this mental health stigma I'm apart of this foundation
called I don't mind created by Chris wood the Jed Foundation and Melissa bononist. ill be going more into my involvement with I don't mind in May of this year.

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