to binder or to not binder?

 When its comes to dating I'm very open minded when it comes to finding the right boyfriend.
No guy is perfect and doesn't have the perfect features and perfect look either hes just fine the way he is.  I don't look for love like buying a bag of really good m&ms picking it without even thinking about the ingredients used to make the m&ms. When it comes to dating some people cry about being single.  Which is the key for I'm desperate and looking for a partner even if i means using for sex then getting dumped. Not to mention that they will go to great lengths to find a partner and with things such as phone's and technology we have dating apps such as 'qumble'' and binder''  the two dating apps that are most used in finding a ''date''.  Do those dating apps really help you find a date? or just key for someone who just wants to act a slut and have mean less sex.  For me i don't like dating apps at all and will never use them to find ''true love''. No one really finds true love when it comes to these apps.  When it comes to these apps you never really know who you are talking to or who the person really is.  Ive heard really weird stories of people who have met dates on dating apps and the stories make me wanna hide in corner.  Do really people find love on dating apps? or is it just plain desperate code for desperate? i love to hear your opinion comment below on what you think on dating apps?

you know ill always love you xoxo-Stephanie

* fyi all opinions are my own you choose whether or not to use dating apps!

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